Final Reflection

Reflecting on my experience in AP Computer Science Principles class, I can confidently say that I have acquired a range of valuable skills and experienced both highs and lows throughout the year. One of the most significant skills I have obtained is the ability to effectively debug code. Through countless hours of practice and troubleshooting, I have honed my problem-solving abilities, allowing me to identify and rectify errors in my programs. Additionally, my internet skills have greatly improved as I have learned how to leverage online resources, forums, and documentation to find solutions and expand my knowledge.

Moreover, the class has deepened my understanding of how the internet works. I have gained insights into various aspects, such as protocols, data transmission, and web development. This comprehensive understanding has enabled me to navigate the digital landscape more confidently and effectively.

Despite the challenges, the highs of the class have been memorable. Collaborating with friends on new projects has been an enriching experience. It not only fostered a sense of camaraderie but also allowed us to pool our skills and ideas to create innovative and engaging projects. The satisfaction of successfully completing these projects together was truly rewarding and cemented the bonds of friendship.

However, the class also had its lows. One notable drawback was the grading system, which could be described as arguably terrible. It seemed inconsistent and subjective, at times undermining the effort and dedication put into assignments. Additionally, one of the low points was the unfortunate occurrence of having to shoulder the entire workload of a group project. It was a challenging experience, requiring me to balance my responsibilities and ensure the successful completion of the project.

Looking towards the future, my plans with computer science are ambitious. I intend to pursue a CS major and further immerse myself in the world of programming and technology. Alongside this, I am eager to educate myself in various branches of engineering, broadening my knowledge beyond computer science. One area of particular interest is quantum computing, which I plan to explore and contribute to in the future. The potential of quantum computing to revolutionize various fields is captivating, and I am excited to be part of this groundbreaking domain.

In terms of my career aspirations, I see myself working in a field that combines computer science, engineering, and innovation. Whether it be in research and development, entrepreneurship, or working with cutting-edge technologies, I am determined to contribute to advancements in the digital landscape. Additionally, I also have a keen interest in education. I hope to share my knowledge and passion by potentially pursuing a career in teaching or mentoring, enabling others to discover and explore the fascinating world of computer science.

In conclusion, my AP Computer Science Principles class has equipped me with valuable skills in debugging and internet proficiency while deepening my understanding of how the internet functions. Despite the challenges, the collaborative projects with friends brought immense satisfaction, while the grading system and the burden of group work posed some difficulties. Looking ahead, I am excited to pursue a CS major, delve into various engineering disciplines, and work towards the frontier of quantum computing. I also aspire to contribute to the field through my career and potentially make a positive impact in education by sharing my knowledge and inspiring others.

Overall, 5/10


  • Change the grading system. It doesn’t provide a reward to learning, just enforces doing the bare minimum to get the bare minimum. With the time that sometimes people have, it is not possible for people to do extra
  • Grading also needs to be more concrete. If you wish for us to meet goals as extra, list them out. This also prevents grading from becoming subjective.
  • SUGGESTION: Make the bare minimum either a 2.9 or a 3. THen make assessments where you have the 0.9 for the bare minimum. This gives higher stakes projects that are less often, also preventing a majority of burnout.
  • Talk a bit more about issues in CS, such as burnout, vision, and overstimulation.
  • Lessen the work. the work you give cannot be completed in class. No matter what.
  • This class is too easy for those who know the material but too hard for those who do not know the material, and thus balancing out each individual assignment to cater to a specific demographic could help.
  • CSP is meant for students who do not intend to be CS majors. Focusing more on Collegeboard curriculum, which focuses on this, could help.
  • The way code is taught does not help. I had a step up because I’ve been coding for 5+ years straight, but it provides little info into the flexibility and what you can do on your own. Emphasize critical thinking.
  • Minimize errors on lessons, and provide more targeted assistance. It was really hard to ask teachers for help, because often people did not get their questions answered. At least compiling issues and listing out solutions could help with this.