My Plans for Nighthawk Coders

I want to create a system of Sprints to get people far more acclimated to PBL, and then allowing people to invest in their own passions that they find in coding. This system teaches the basics of whatever programming language along certain goals to meet (thus also preparing for the AP test), and then allows each group to establish their own passion project and execute upon it.

The problem:

The current problem is the lack of passion related to the projects people do. Thus, they are unable to really hit their stride in terms of what they want to create. While this may be typically impossible to guarantee between every individual student, this can be expanded through guided projects ahead of time and more freedom of choice, and more time.

The solution

By creating shorter sprints around big ideas, and then setting up projects that can be guided and expanded upon, and then one capstone project in the second half can really help people develop their skill understanding java, python, and sql, and by structuring it, this makes it better

The Add-On

The add-on would be mid-term tests. There is an obvious issue that people can be cheating or otherwise not learning, so a midterm test would help gauge. It would also give FRQ practice ahead of the AP exam.