• Methods - Functions that perform actions in clsses
  • Nested if statements - An if statement within an if statemnt, allows for furhter selection
  • For loops - A loop to loops over a condition, typically an iterative
  • Booleans - A primitive data type that can only hold two values, 1 and 0
  • Primitive data types - Data types that can be stored using one location in memory
  • Random.random - Gives a random number


  • super - A keyword that is used to call the constructor of a parent class
  • @override and other annotators - Used to modify functions, typically that of a child function
  • Local and global scope - Different scopes, or localities in which variables can be used. Local is within a block, global everywhere.
  • Constructors - A special method that when called creates an object
  • Setters and getters - Methods that are used to set and get values of an instance


  • Lists - A java extra data class that is an iterative
  • ArrayLists - A java reference class that allows for greater functionality with java arrays
  • Primitive data types - See above
  • iteration - Being able to iterate over certain iterables in Java. Done with a for and while loop
  • ArrayList Methods - .get, .set, .add, etc.


  • 2D arrays - Nested arrays
  • Iteration - See above
  • Selection - Selecting certain values while iterating
  • Indexing - Going and looking throughout values in an iterable
  • Operators - Symbols used for code calculations
  • Boolean - See above
  • Nested Arrays - Arrays within arrays, in python, a list of a list.
  • nested for loops - A for loop within a for loop, typically related to the iteration of 2d arrays
  • Break - Leaving the bounds of a loop without completing, often on a certain condition