Evidence of Participation:

Script Writing VNScript

Directing the Choreography Screenshot 2024-04-14 at 2 40 08 PM

Algorythmic Perfection

I thought that our Algorythmic performance was alright. We definitely practiced a lot, but I was disappointed in the discipline of our group. This, paired with poor casting on my part led to an unexpected performance to say the least. I feel that our idea was funny, our gimmicks cool, and our vibe energetic, which means I feel like we could do great. We underperformed for sure, but I still loved the process of being able to reengage with my theatric side.


At the actual event, we did have a great performance overall, with a composite score of 9,9,9,8,8, for a total score of 43.

Next up, it was the bogosort and selection sort performance. I really like bogosort as a joke-y algorithm. However, I felt that some of their choices, including their rap, was maybe inspired a bit too much by our group. Hence, it lowered by overall enjoyment. I did like the use of orange juice and the time period, it was very helpful.

After them, it was the dating show! I really liked the implementation of the sort and the situation being a dating show, given I myself have written multiple dating-like applications.

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I also really liked the “flower cult”. merge sort is one of my favorite sorting algorithms. I also really liked watching my friends like Emaad and Krishiv perform. The idea was very cool and I enjoyed watching it be executed. I really liked the choreography and how they recombined, though I do agree it was a tad confusing how they just came back.

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Lastly, and my personal favorite (given my theater background), my personal victor was the performance by Drew, Aiden, Toby, and co. Their murder-mystery-not was really fun and I enjoyed the theatrical and pop culture reference. I believe it was the best directed, and while not exactly choreography, I enjoyed seeing everyone project. I also enjoyed their interpretation of selection sort.

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Overall, I really liked Algorythmic, it was a bit of a nostalgia shot for me. I really felt like we could have done better, but I should have done more to assist. I feel like my directorial debut wasn’t the best, but it has inspired me to try more. Overall, the main notes are

  • Practice more - make sure people were more disciplined
  • Get better people in positions of better roles.
  • Practice my own lines more
  • be concise
  • Protect my ideas a bit more (lmao)

I personally don’t agree with the winner, I think Drew and co deserved it more. But i really did put my heart and soul into this performance. NOTE - MAKE PEOPLE ACTUALLY SHOW UP